Don’t FTP the Git Shit

I didn’t even realize I was pushing all my (uncountable) git directories when FTP’ing. But Filezilla appears not to have a default filter for git directories. Luckily it’s easy to create one: In Filezilla 3.5.3 go to View > Filename filters… and add a filter with the following settings: Done, happy FTP’ing!

A front-end build with Grunt 0.4

Update February 22, 2013: Grunt 0.4 is officially released. Please take that into account when following the instructions below. Addy Osmani’s talk on the developer toolbelt at Fronteers 2012 inspired me to have a closer look at Grunt. Especially for front-end or JavaScript driven projects, Grunt looks like a promising alternative to the Ant or …

Some Chrome and Google shortcuts I often use

Some handy shortcuts to remember in Chrome and for Google Search: Open new tab from address bar: ALT+ENTER Open new tab from link: middle click Edit google search term: just start typing in the results page Move cursor to search box: ESC Select first search result: TAB Scroll through other search results: up and down …

HTML5 JavaScript APIs to be used in mobile environments

At the moment I’m attending the online course Mobile Web 2: Applications at W3 Tech courses. This post is a summary of the fourth week’s subject JavaScript APIs. (Please note: this is not a thorough objective summary of the course, but just the highlights that I found important for myself to remember.) Geolocation A simple …

Basics of Mobile Web Development

At the moment I’m attending the online course Mobile Web 2: Applications at W3 Tech courses. This post is a summary of the second week’s subject Basics of Mobile Web Development. (Please note: this is not a thorough objective summary of the course, but just the highlights that I found important for myself to remember.) …

Geharnast JavaScript

Dit artikel is eerder geplaatst in de adventskalender 2011 van Fronteers. De discussie speelt zich daar af. Het belang van JavaScript op internet Het belang van JavaScript op het web is de laatste jaren enorm toegenomen. Ten eerste heeft JavaScript deels de animatierol van Flash overgenomen, ten tweede is het web applicatiever geworden, waardoor JavaScript …

CSS code insight in Eclipse or Aptana

Lately I changed my editor from Aptana to Eclipse with the Aptana plugin. Suddenly my CSS code insight did not work any longer. With these steps I could get it working again: Goto Window / Preferences Type filter text “assoc” At “General – Editors – File Associations” select “*.css” Verify that the “CSS Source editor” …

Run Selenium IDE tests with jQuery selectors

This took me a lot of time to find out, so here is a short and handy overview for everyone that wants to use jQuery selectors instead of Xpath selectors in their Selenium IDE tests. First the steps to achieve this, followed by some comments for the few readers that are still interested. Add jQuery …